Meeting your audience where they are is the best way to promote your content naturally and effectively, but deciding on your company’s approach isn’t as simple as it sounds. This is where social media can influence your exposure. With 3.8 billion users worldwide, social media has become the most important asset for your digital marketing strategy. With this in mind, you must understand how to create this content.

Creating a Social Media Posting Strategy

When drafting ideas for your social media marketing strategy you need to consider which platforms are best suited to your brand’s voice. Cater your posts around each platform’s unique style and posting guidelines.

Regardless of which platforms you use, there are standard rules you should apply to all posts. These rules include, but are not limited to, the following:

Choose a Different Approach for Each Platform

When taking a targeted approach, you need to ask and answer questions surrounding the purpose of your content. Some questions include:

  • Who am I trying to reach?
  • Why did I choose this platform?
  • What kind of posts work well on this platform?

The answers to these questions will help you develop a strategy unique to each platform. When first starting, you should always prioritize post quality over quantity. Varying strategies on multiple platforms can confuse and hurt your strategy.

Remain Consistent

Each platform’s algorithm will determine how often you post. For example, some platforms post content chronologically whereas others consider outside factors. Platforms such as Instagram and Twitter require you to post frequently to have the most opportunities of reaching your audience. In general, your audience is likely to follow many other people- making it more difficult for you to stand out. After developing this part of your social media advertising strategy you should continue to post on a pre-determined schedule. Failure to remain consistent will put you at greater risk of reducing your visibility online.

Follow Current Trends

Aligning current trends with your company’s message is another way to remain relevant to your audience. For this reason, you should monitor different platforms and see what type of posts are currently driving the most engagement. Be careful to only implement trends that work with your company’s message. Sporadically posting to meet current trends may be harmful to your company’s reach as it may not speak to your target audience or convey the message you want.

Do A/B Testing

Conducting A/B tests can show you which posts resonate best with your audience. These tests include posting similar content across multiple platforms with minor tweaks. These include changes to headlines, copy, and your call-to-action. After posting variations of your content, you can then analyze the data gathered from user engagement. This information can help give you a better understanding of certain terminology your base is interested in and what you should avoid in future posts.

Engage With Your Audience

Connecting with your audience authentically keeps your audience engaged with your content. Answering questions, contributing to conversations, and providing product knowledge are some ways you can add value to their experience. Asking your audience questions also shows them that you care about their feedback. Engaging with your audience rather than spewing information at them conveys a genuine appearance when marketing your brand.

How to Create an Engaging Social Ad Campaign

Developing a regular posting schedule is only half the battle when marketing online. The other half includes forming engaging ads that will resonate with your audience. Below are a few tips you should use when designing your ads.

Set a Budget

Determining your advertising budget will help you figure out which platform works best with your company’s social campaign. One way to manage this budget is to make sure your marketing objectives align with your social ads. Some platforms, like Facebook, evenly distribute your budget across multiple ads. If this is something that appeals to you and your company’s objectives, it may be worthwhile to invest more money into it.

Make It Relevant

As a whole, your company’s social media advertising effectiveness will be determined by how relevant your ads are to your audience. To determine what is relevant consider evaluating your buyer personas to align ads to their needs and interests. Also, collecting customer feedback is an effective way to understand the changing needs and desires of consumers. You may also want to optimize your text and media content to enhance your organic traffic rates.

Write Intriguing Copy

Posts are often limited to the number of text characters when posting on social media platforms. As a result, your ads need to be informative yet brief to keep the interest of your audience. An ad that encourages conversions should be straightforward and include a captivating message. Also, your call-to-action should be clearly stated to help users understand the post’s intent.

Measure Ad Conversion Rate

Finally, after launching your ads it is recommended that you track their progress. Monitoring social media metrics such as click-through-rate can show you which ads are performing best. You can then use this information to make decisions on the future of your social media campaign. This may include promoting ads that were doing well or completely scrapping ones that did not. When browsing online you may see social media advertising examples that frequently change their ad approach. The company is likely testing posts to figure out which ads give them better conversion rates. Once established, they then solidify their final social campaign strategy. You can then change this strategy as you see fit.

Establishing Your Online Social Presence

The key to boosting your social media engagement lies in the quality of your online posts and advertisements. With the right approach, you can build your audience engagement while authentically representing your brand.

Source Group strives to generate more leads for your business in your unique brand voice. To get in touch with us, feel free to contact us through email or give us a call at +1 (520) 722-2000.