When can I book advertising space?
Advertising space can be booked year-round.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards, checks, wire transfers, and ACH payments.
When is my payment due date?
Your payment due date is indicated on your invoice. To request a copy, please email ar@sourceg.net.
Is there an online portal to submit payments?
To request access to our online payment portal, please email ar@sourceg.net and include your invoice number.
What materials do I need to submit for my contract?
For a list of required materials and deadlines, please email materials@sourceg.net.
Where do I submit materials?
Submit your materials to materials@sourceg.net by the assigned due date.
What size is a full/tabloid page ad?
Visit our print specifications page for detailed information.
What file format is preferred for ad submissions?
We prefer high-resolution, 300 PPI PDF files.
How can I submit a large file?
We accept files up to 40 MB via email. For larger files, please use a file transfer service like WeTransfer or share a folder with us via Dropbox.
How can I get advance copies?
Advance copies can be arranged through our distribution team. Please contact lisal@sourceg.net.
When do you post digital copies on your website?
Digital copies are posted online approximately one week prior to the first day of the show.