2019 Issues During The International Surface Event

Source Group publications are read by the world’s top industry professionals during the most critical time of year — the trade show. Daily issues highlight executive interviews, product features and company profiles with full color photos and super-sized advertisements covering what’s new in the industry. Fresh content reaches exhibitors, attendees and decision makers daily, attracting attention to your booth.

Advertise in the best magazine distributed daily during the International Surface Event

Surface Industry News is the premier publication in the fabrication industry.  With articles and interviews from the industries most well-known companies and leaders, Surface Industry News is used industry-wide in making decisions on new technology as well as new and innovative products.

Surface Industry News will assist in knowing what companies will be attending your trade show as well as showcasing your business through print and digital media, to assure a greater reach than ever before. Promote and expand your business to extraordinary heights by advertising with Surface Industry News!

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