We work with literally, thousands of companies every year and I am always shocked at how companies ignore their website. The most common answer I get from these companies is, “It doesn’t make us money”.

Do you want your website to make you more money? Well, you are in luck. Here is how to make money from your website.

1: Know your website and its analytics

Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is free and pretty much the gold standard in website analytics.

Google Analytics can tell you so much about your website and if you aren’t looking at them, then you are missing out bigtime.

I have talked to many customers who thought they had enough traffic to their website and that those demographics matched what they were getting in their store. However, after we take a look at their Google Analytics, they are often shocked to find the exact opposite. This of course raises the question, how much money are you missing out on.

The first step to overcoming this problem is by installing Google Analytics on your website so you have a great picture of how your website is performing. Here’s a great article to show you how to download it now.  If you need help just contact us.

The Next step is understanding what information is good to know and how to interpret that information.

You want to look at these three primary pieces of information:

  • Users (the number of visitors to your site)
  • Engagement ( pages views, number of pages viewed per visit and time on site)
  • Conversion Rate (how many people took the action you wanted them to take, i.e., gave you
    their email address, purchased your product, signed up for your newsletter, etc.)
  • Demographics (who is actually visiting your website, what are their interests and where are they coming from)

The first step in growing website revenue is understanding your website and its purpose. Once you know this information you can start looking at answer questions to help you.

Questions like:

If your traffic is minimal, then you know you need to increase traffic to your site. The primary way to accomplish this is by using a solid SEO or paid marketing campaign that is specifically designed to reach your target audience.

If your website is getting a lot of traffic, but your bounce rate is high, then you know you need to adjust your content, design or possibly your call to action.

2. Call To Action

Call To Action

Your primary call to action is the number one thing you want visitors to your site to do. Do you want them to download something, sign up for something, buy something? Remember, if you don’t know what you want them to do, they won’t know either. Your message has to be crystal

The best way in going about figuring out what your call to action should be is pretty simple. It’s Simple because customers only care about one thing. What are you going to do for them? So, what are you going to do for your customer and what action do they need to take to get what they want?

One of the more common mistakes we see is placing the call to action below the fold on your website. “The Fold” is the point on your website where someone has to scroll to see more information. You don’t want them to have to scroll to see your primary call to action. Place your call to action in your banner, or somewhere prominent and above the fold.

3: Help The SEO You Already Have

Trade Show MarketingFor Websites, content is king. However, it’s pretty easy to mess that up. Even if you already have good content on your website.

A couple of ways that you can hurt your SEO:

  • 404 pages. Try to avoid removing content
  • Not fixing errors detected by Google. Use Google Search Console to help you find and fix errors
  • Creating new content that is too poor or pages with little to no content
  • Duplicate content.

Here are some ways to boost your SEO.

First, know your rankings. There are a lot of free rank trackers out there. Knowing where you rank and for which keywords will help you come up with a strong SEO strategy.

Second, develop a strategy that you can actually implement on a monthly basis. Google likes to see consistency.

Three, if you don’t know how to do something or you are stuck what steps to take, ASK!

4: Create A Solid Marketing Plan

marketing planMarketing is an investment, not an expense. If you can get on board with this idea, you can turn your website into a money making machine.

Here are some easy steps to developing a marketing plan:

Figure out your budget. Typically a business should be spending about 7% to 10% of its gross income on marketing? Example. If you are bringing in $100,000 per month in gross revenue, then you should be spending $7,000 to $10,000 per month on marketing. Yes, this does change depending on your industry, but it’s a good jumping off point.

Using Google Analytics, figure out what your audience looks like and how to reach them. Are they younger or older? How active are they on social media? Should you be using TV, Radio or Print advertising along with your digital marketing?

Identify what you want to the customer to do in order for you to generate more revenue from your website.

Develop your messaging to speak to your target audience, not every audience. A 90 year old grandpa isn’t going spelunking so don’t worry about talking to him.

Finally, apply a budget to all of the different marketing mediums you will be using and implement your plan. If you need help with this just let us know.